Permify energy


Putting together a proposal that would be a permaculture design for a 104 hectare property. It would be centred on Ethanol production with many integrated aspects to provide food, fuel, medicine & fibre.

Maxed out, the property could probably produce 900,000 litres of ethanol per year plus an unbelievable quantity of food, medicine, and fibre. Starting with 10 workers and growing up to 100 workers, all making good $$, operating according to Permaculture ethics and directives.

A very repeatable plan that will allow maximum growth to provide a substantial portion of needs for the associated community.


I just finished Chapter 12 of Alcohol Can Be A Gas. This is an amazing collection of information and ideas. I'm going to put up a condensed version on this website soon. I want to convert it to metric, so it's easier to do all the calculations. I wish I could push a button and fix the book in that manner. The only imperial measurement that makes any sense is Btu. The watt takes it's place, if not so elegantly.


Took the first step in deciding to start Permify Energy, a permaculture company to speeds adoption of permaculture by using ethanol as the "carrot on the stick".