Section 2b - Observation And Research

Climatic Factors

What is the Koppen climate classification which applies to the region?

What is the plant hardiness zone? USDA, UK, AU, etc.

Average annual rainfall

Highest recorded annual rainfall

Lowest recorded annual rainfall

Highest recorded 24-hour rainfall occurrence

Highest recorded temperature

Lowest recorded temperature

Average summer temperature (low)

Average summer temperature (high)

Average winter temperature (low)

Average winter temperature (high)

What extreme weather is likely on this site? (select all that apply)

  • Drought

  • Flood

  • Hurricane

  • Tornado

  • Cyclone

  • Wild fire

  • Ice storm

  • Other (specify) Blizzard

What direction do the weather systems that bring precipitation approach the site from? Are their seasonal variations of this? (the following prompts aim to answer this more broad question - this question does not require a direct answer)

Prevailing (Which direction seems most frequent/reliable?)

  • North

  • Northeast

  • East

  • Southeast

  • South

  • Southwest

  • West

  • Northwest

Seasonal variations: Explain seasonal anomalies if any that differ from the prevailing pattern.

Storms: Do particular storms or weather events defy the above pattern and normal seasonal variation? If so, please describe this briefly.


What is the site's prevailing orientation?

  • North

  • Northeast

  • East

  • Southeast

  • South

  • Southwest

  • West

  • Northwest

Are any of these present on site? (select all that apply)

  • Erosion

  • Wetland

  • Flatland

  • Hills

  • Valley

  • Rock

  • Slip zones

  • Other (specify)

What is the most severe slope on the site?

What is the topographic position? (select all that apply)

  • Mid-Slope

  • Hillcrest

  • Valley Floor

  • Other (Specify)

What is the highest point? (Altitude)

What is the lowest point? (Altitude)

Is this area prone to slumps and landslides? (Yes or no)

What areas of the site will require special care and attention due to the possibility of landslides?


Are there any of these naturally (or currently) present on the site? (select all that apply)

  • Spring

  • River

  • Lake

  • Pond

  • Stream

  • Marshes

  • Seasonal/Temporary Flows

  • Other (Specify)

Describe the temporary flow situation if there is one.


This design adds or modifies: (Select all that apply)

  • Driveway

  • Farm Tracks

  • Walking Tracks

  • Path or Footpaths

  • Animal Laneway

  • Other (Specify)

Provide some details for each type of access you are adding.

  • Paved

  • Dirt

  • Gravel

  • Other (Specify)

Flora and Fauna

Are any of these present?

Special design considerations may be required. (Select all that apply)

  • Animal Species of Concern

  • Forest Regrowth

  • Native Grassland/prairie

  • Old Growth Forest

  • Plant species of special concern

  • Problematic non-native animals

  • Problematic non-native plants

  • Special conservation restrictions

  • Wetlands

  • Other (Specify)

Are there pests, diseases, or varmints of note? (list as appropriate)

What plant species are on site?

Common name, species name, description, useful, uses, current circumstances.

Soil Types

What are the soil types on site? (select all that apply)

  • Clay

  • Sandy Clay

  • Silty Clay

  • Clay Loam

  • Sandy Clay Loam

  • Silty Clay Loam

  • Loam

  • Sandy Loam

  • Silt Loam

  • Loamy Sand

  • Sand

  • Silt

  • Volcanic

  • Caliche/Limestone

  • Peaty

  • Other (Specify)

What is the soil pH?

Test different areas

Are there any known toxins in the soil?

How well do the soils drain? (Select One)

  • Quickly

  • Moderately

  • Slowly

  • Imperceptibly

Draining too fast or too slow? Outline a summary of your plan to address this.

Are there areas/soils in need of repair/remediation? (Yes or No)

Describe the area where the work is needed, the needed work, and your plan to address this both as part of the short term design implementation and as part of the long term design maintenance.

Has there been heavy soil disturbance recently? (Yes or No)

Describe the disturbance, how it affects the design work, and your plan to address this.


What building types are already present on site? (select all that apply)

  • Barn/Livestock Housing

  • Coop/Poultry Housing

  • House

  • None

  • Outhouse

  • Shed/Outbuilding

  • Tower

  • Water Tank

  • Other (Specify)

What buildings are we adding or heavily modifying in the design? (select all that apply)

  • Barn/Livestock Housing

  • Coop/Poultry Housing

  • House

  • None

  • Outhouse

  • Shed/Outbuilding

  • Tower

  • Water Tank

  • Other (Specify)

Does the site include any of these? Special care or attention may be needed. (Select all that apply)

Buried Pipes


Earth Banks



Ponds and Dams

Power Lines



Other (specify)

Are we adding or heavily modifying any of these to the site as part of the design? Select all that apply.

  • Buried Pipes

  • Culverts

  • Earth Banks

  • Fences

  • None

  • Ponds and Dams

  • Power LInes

  • Terraces

  • Walls

  • Other (Specify)

Energy Components

Is this site "off-grid"? (Yes or No)

Is energy being harvested on site? (Yes or No)

What methods of power collection are being utilised? (Select all that apply)

  • Solar

  • Hydro

  • Wind

  • Other (Specify)

Are there any additional technologies, innovations, infrastructure, or actions that will affect plans for energy use on site? (Yes or No)

List and describe these as appropriate.

Social Components

Does this site currently serve in a larger social context which will need to be updated or maintained to continue serving the community? (Yes or No)

Describe the current social context of the site.

If Yes is chosen above, How is this existing social context reflected in your design?

Does your design include ways in which the site will serve in a larger social context than it currently does? (Yes or No)

What is the larger social context?

If Yes is chosen above, How will this new situation be achieved and supported by your design?

Continue to Section 2c